“After giving birth at the hospital I received breakfast from the cafeteria. I had not eaten for 24 hours and I was starving, but couldn’t make myself eat the hospital food. I asked Meryl to start delivering my postpartum meals and by lunch she figured out a way to get food to me. Her meal plan was carefully designed for my needs as a brand new mom for post c-section recovery and breastfeeding. A delicious variety of meals made me super excited about the food every day. The meals were easy and fast to reheat which was nice because as a new mom, I didn’t have time or energy to cook. My breast milk production was amazing, you could tell by the density and color, and I had a lot of supply. Lastly, after I stopped she helped me figure out how I can prep and cook for myself. I have tried many (if not all) meal delivery services and Kore Kitchen is the tastiest and highest quality there is.“

- Justyna Hammond Jr.

Meryl Pritchard